____________________________, referred to as EMPLOYER, and ____________________________, referred to as EMPLOYEE, agree: EMPLOYEE is engaged to act as ___________________ for _________ __________________ beginning on ____________. As to those items not specified herein, the relationship between the parties shall be governed by the general employment manual, dated _______________, and any additions and replacements thereto. As compensation for EMPLOYEE's services herein, EMPLOYEE shall receive a commission of ___________________________________ by EMPLOYEE. Said commission shall only be paid upon fully collected sales. Should EMPLOYER determine, in its sole discretion, to allow commissions on sales on credit or other than fully collected sales, EMPLOYEE shall be liable to repay any sums advanced on sales not collected. A draw account for EMPLOYEE shall be established, and EMPLOYER shall set off against any draws received commissions earned by the EMPLOYEE. EMPLOYER may during the course of EMPLOYEES service reveal certain confidential/trade secret or proprietary information to EMPLOYEE. The items which are confidential/trade secret or proprietary information shall be identified as confidential. Without specific EMPLOYEE shall for a period of ________ after termination of employment not accept employment with the following firms: __________________________________________________________________ EMPLOYEE agrees that the duties herein shall be full time. EMPLOYEE shall not engage in other business ventures or employment without the prior approval of EMPLOYER. EMPLOYEE agrees to promptly disclose to EMPLOYER any inventions or processes discovered by the EMPLOYEE which are made at the behest or in connection with the duties of employee, or which are reasonably related to the business of EMPLOYER during the term of employment, and shall assign all rights in said inventions or processes to EMPLOYER. EMPLOYEE shall execute any documents reasonably requested by EMPLOYER for patents or other legal steps which EMPLOYER may desire to prefect its rights in the inventions. EMPLOYER may terminate this agreement upon __________ notice to the EMPLOYEE. Upon termination, EMPLOYEE shall return all materials from EMPLOYER to the EMPLOYER. Any disputes under this agreement, including those relating to non-competition shall be submitted to arbitration with a single arbitrator under the rules of the ___________________________ ___________. Any ruling made by the arbitrators shall be final and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. Agreed to on this the ________ day of ________________, 19_____. _______________________________________________ ____________________________, by an authorized officer ______________________________________________